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Device Permissions and Ad-trackers – what are they, and why do they matter to me?

Device Permissions and Ad-trackers – what are they, and why do they matter to me?

Ah, ads.  Memories of early adopters of the internet may hear the word, and flash back to the days of endless pop-ups no matter where we went on the net.  Ads are here to stay as a part of a connected life, but, unlike in the 90s, where it was simple “click revenue,” they’ve taken on deeper roles; as has another special software feature:

An older concept to most computer-minded folks, but newer to the average user, “device permissions” are specific rights that, in this case, a user grants to a service or app, that allows it to see, do, or otherwise manipulate something outside of the app itself.  For instance, when a free game wants access to your contacts, to share a link, and it asks your for the ability to see your contacts list.  This is a “permission.”

Back to ads for a moment: at some point in the late-90s or early aughts, companies caught onto the fact that ads not only generate revenue through clicks – they can be used to track who visits what, and what the user does in their web time.  Back when the web was a simple “utility” that was used on and off, that doesn’t seem like a bad thing at first.  And on its face, it isn’t.  It allows advertisers and web publishing companies or services to see what people like and want – so they can tailor their material appropriately.  Its why, when you search for something like “underwear,” you find yourself suddenly seeing underwear ads on everything from search engines to your favorite social media services.  

Enter the second decade of the 21st century.  The Internet has gone from the occasional-use utility, entertainment medium and a reference of convenience of the 90s to the backbone of daily life.  Chunky flip-phones and brick-phones have been replaced by always-connected smartphones, and even our appliances have become smart – everything from coffee makers to refrigerators can be connected to the web.  Always-on set-top boxes and smart-TVs now pave the way for entertainment as opposed to what’s on “on cable.”  Always-on internet appliances serve not only as smart, continuously changing picture frames, calendar notifications, sports scores displays, news blurbs and notifications letting us know where the stuff ordered from internet marketplaces will arrive.

While this seems like the home of the 21st century we were promised in our youths, that does come with an interesting caveat: everything you do online, or with these devices, is being tracked.

Unlike the days of the early 90s, when we thought “okay, that’s enough internet for today,” and turned off the family PC, the internet is now always on, and always monitoring everything you do with it.  Using the alarm clock app on your smartphone to wake up in the morning?  The fact that the app launched at that time, is recorded by your phone.  Applications that are granted permissions to what apps you use, and when, take notice of this.  Enjoy a certain form of media via email?  Your phone takes notice of this – as does other apps that have been granted permissions to see this.  Insodoing, the apps will share that data with their owners, who often use this to build a psychological profile of their average users, so they can tailor services to them that they would like.  Permissions and Ad-Tracking, when combined, can be a powerful tool for ecommerce and while that doesn’t seem like a bad thing on its face, what could be inferred from this if it decided to be taken to the dark side?

Bad actors, using a “free app” as a Trojan horse can require users to allow all manner of permissions be granted to it, in exchange for its use.  Specifically, but not limited to: the personal information in  your contact profile, access to your contacts, your pictures and videos, your email, etc.  By taking this information from you, with your own permission – not only can a bad actor begin to form a psychological profile of you (i.e., your behaviors, and how you operate), but can get very specific, detailed information on you.

For example, granting permissions to an app for access to your email could theoretically give it unlimited access to it.  So, not only can it see who you email when, but it can also see who you get email from.   On its face, this may also seem relatively harmless.   But, consider the fact that your financial institutions may communicate with you via email.  Now, the bad actor not only potentially has your name and phone number, but also now knows where you bank.

Further, say you often communicate via email with your parents.  They may be somewhat web savvy, but didn’t stay entirely with the times, preferring the simplicity of email, as opposed to the “Always on” of text messaging or social media inboxing.  Now, the bad actor is able to figure out the names of your parents, if they so decided.  The names of your parents are often a question used by your financial institution to verify you, if you were to call in via phone.

You may have taken a photo of your identification card to keep handy in an emergency; or for some other purpose.  The app, having been granted access to your photos and videos, could potentially share this with the app’s developer, the bad actor, or some other person or organization that has access to it. This picture, which includes your ID number, is another question a financial institution may use to verify you if you were to call in. 

While this is an extreme example, this isn’t as farfetched as it may seem.

In 2015, a data breach took place with the United States Office of Personnel Management.  Targeting the Standard Form 86 (also known as “the SF-86”), this form is the standard questionnaire used by the United States government to collect information needed to conduct background checks, investigations and evaluations of people who hold, or could hold positions involving national security, requiring security clearances.  This document has to be completed in order to receive a security clearance, which includes information on what education a prospective clearance holder has, employment for at least ten years, any connections or ties to foreign governments and foreign nationals, past residences, any travel abroad, among other things.

The attack was believed to be taken by a spy agency in the People’s Republic of China, specifically, hackers acting on behalf of the Ministry of State Security.   Information that was obtained in the breach by the bad actor (also known as “exfiltration”) included was the above information given in the SF-86, but also information such as social security numbers, birth date and places, information including family members, college roommates, personal psychological information and foreign contacts, of current or prospective government employees – including personnel serving in the United States Armed Forces. 

Over 22 million records were affected by the breaches (specifically, two were noted, called “X1” and “X2” by the Department of Homeland Security.  Included in the exfiltration, were over 5 million sets of fingerprints.  To date, the People’s Republic of China has denied responsibility for the attack.

Why does all this matter, and how does it relate to your apps?

Consider that the United States government is often viewed as the figurative “Fort Knox” of physical and data security.  Indeed, Fort Knox is a facility of the United States government itself!   If the United States government can be the target of data exfiltration, for the apparent specific purpose of targeting personally identifiable information and even biometrics – how can an individual expect to protect themselves?

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as “hack proof” electronics or data.  But, when it comes to ad trackers, and other data designed to extract your information, particularly if its an app, service or device you specifically don’t want that to happen, there are some proactive steps you can take to minimize your risk, and limit any damage to your digital ecosystem:

- Utilize a separate email for your devices, as opposed to your primary email, where you may get banking and personal information in.   That is to say, have your phone, tablet, or other “internet of things” devices set up on a separate email address, that doesn’t get anything vital to your personal information security, such as your banking or other personally identifiable information.

- Consider permissions carefully before you grant them.  Your new favorite “free” game is wanting access to your camera, pictures and/or microphone.  Consider this carefully.  Does it really need these in order for you to enjoy your game? 

- Consider using a VPN service for your computers, laptops, and connected devices.  Services such as Proton who I have extensive experience with, help jacket your data connection, screens out ads and ad-trackers, tracking pixels and other tracking methods to keep your internet footprint far more private.

- Utilize a separate subnet for your “internet of things” connected devices, such as your smart TVs, smart appliances, etc.  This is for more advanced users, but, its also very effective.  Basically, anything that isn’t a computer, laptop, server or smartphone, should go here.  These help isolate your smart devices from being able to see, and potentially exfiltrate any data, on say, your computer, laptop, media servers, etc, from your primary computer network.  Most “internet of things” devices just need to be able to talk to the internet – they often don’t need to specifically interact with your main computers, servers, etc.  There are exceptions to every rule, but for the most part, they just need to see “the cloud,” not the other devices you own.   An explanation of how this works in general, and the benefits it can offer you, can be found here.

- Consider if you “need” specific smart devices in your home.  Sure, we all love the convenience smart devices and the “internet of things” offers us.  However, ask yourself if it’s needed.  By keeping your digital ecosystem free of unneeded devices, this helps tighten your home and digital security – and eliminates a vector where ad-tracking can’t target you.  For instance, if your smart coffee pot knows you like a specific type of coffee, this can be incorporated into ad-tracking, and steer you toward more expensive options, costing you money.  Personally (just my opinion here), I can do without a smart fridge, and a smart coffee pot.

To sum up, device permissions and ad-tracking is more pervasive and offers more intrusion than most people tend to realize – particularly by those who are bad actors.   In the best of circumstances, its used to provide you things of your interest.  At worst, it could be used to compromise your digital safety and digital ecosystem, particularly in the “always-on” connected lifestyle we now experience, that wasn’t there just a couple decades ago.