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- Vehicle sweep services are available; call for more information

SPYOPS Specializes in

Leveraging intelligence and counterintelligence technology, hardware and software for the client to maximize their security and monitoring and countermeasures needs.

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Metro Detroit’s only brick and mortar spy shop.

SpyOps is a unique company in the fact that we actually have a “Brick and Mortar” storefront. What does this mean to you, the consumer? Well, that means a lot. How many of you would like to try before you buy? Or, would you like to have a professional demonstrate how to best use a product?


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I met Matt from Spyops when he came to install four surveilance cameras. He called prior to arrival to set the date, and was on time to complete the install. Matt was friendly , knowledgeable, and courteous . He made suggestions to make my system more effective. Would recommend him to anyone.

Elbert Montgomery

Awesome people with superior knowledge. An eminc amount of resources to draw from and, people that KNOW how to make it, fix it, or investigate it. You have a problem turn to them. I do know some "clame" to know....these guys really DO know...I have felt with others that well not worth looking elsware... THE DID THE JOB...


his is the grow ups toys are us.. Need a spy cam? Need to find out if your spouse is cheating? Or where is your car when your partner has taken it.. This is the place

Daniel Leon

News & Blog

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Inspired Design Decisionsec With Neville Brodes Was

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Designing Ethically Optimizingnd Shining Smashing Confe

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Inspired Design Decisionsec With Neville Brodes Cross Browser

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